# Managing FidRadDb ```markdown !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! A T T E N T I O N !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This part is still under development! Changes can be made at any time. ``` The work steps around the FidRadDB consist of: - Uploading the data - The cal/char files can be uploaded via WEB-GUI as well as via command line interface (CLI). - The files are automatically validated in this step. - Should anything be wrong with the files, the user will be informed. - Obtain information about available files. This can be done by: - Listing the files available on the server - Searching the history.log to find out more information regarding uploaded files, such as - When was the file uploaded? - Who uploaded the file? - Who downloaded the file? - How many downloads of a file have been made? - Has the file been deleted in the meantime and replaced by a revised version? - Get the last entries from the history.log - Sometimes uploading and validating the files takes so long that the user receives the error message "Gateway Timout Error" instead of a report. Don't worry! This does not mean that the upload failed or was aborted. It only means that the server is still processing the data, but has not managed to do so within a certain time window. The processing of the data then continues in the background. When the server has processed the data, a user can check the history.log to see whether everything worked or whether there were problems with individual files and they were therefore not uploaded. - Donwload a file - e.g. to use the file data for processing - Delete a file - e.g. if a file is to be replaced by a newer one, the existing file must be deleted first. There are three types of users that can work with FidRadDB, they will have different permissions: - a guest user. No connection via login is needed. A guest user can only consult and download the open subset of the FidRadDB. - a FidRadDB user. This user needs to be connected with its login and password. To register as a FidRadDB user please contact [EUMETSAT help desk](mailto:ops@eumetsat.int). - an admin user. This status is restricted to FidRadDB managers only. The table below summarizes the FidRadDB commands permissions for the different users types. | | Guest user | FidRadDB user | admin user | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | |uploading | no | yes | yes | |downloading| yes | yes | yes | |deleting| no | yes but only its files | yes | |list| yes | yes | yes | |history.log| no | yes but only its files | yes | |history.tail| no | yes but only its files | yes | ## Download the API The API comes together with the OCDB package, see [here](https://github.com/eocdb/ocdb-client/blob/master/README.md). ## Use the API in you python application If you want to integrate the new FidRadDB API in your own python application, you will find the functions in the file: [https://github.com/eocdb/ocdb-client/blob/se_frm4soc_2_4/ocdb/api/OCDBApi.py](https://github.com/eocdb/ocdb-client/blob/se_frm4soc_2_4/ocdb/api/OCDBApi.py): ```python def fidrad_upload(self, cal_char_files: Union[str, Sequence[str]], doc_files: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]) -> JsonObj: ... def fidrad_history_tail(self, num_lines: int) -> JsonObj: ... def fidrad_history_search(self, search_string: str, max_num_lines: int) -> JsonObj: ... def fidrad_list_files(self, name_part: str) -> JsonObj: ... def fidrad_delete_file(self, file_name: str) -> JsonObj: ... def fidrad_download_file(self, file_name: str, output_dir: str) -> str: ... ``` [Here](./ocdb-api-cli.html#python) you can see how to instantiate the API before you can use it. ## Use the API via commandline The following lines assume that Git and Miniconda are installed on your system. First of all you have to check out the command line tool from github. See [Download the API](#download-the-api) Then please change to the directory "ocdb-client" that has just been checked out. Now please create a new conda environment. e.g. ```shell # create an environment conda create --clone base -n ocdb-client-test # activite the environment conda activate ocdb-clinet-test # Your command line shall now be prefixed with (ocdb-clinet-test) # At last use this command, to install the command line app, configured for # development purposes. So the command line app can be used before the app # is deployed to conda. # It is very important to not forget the dot at the end of the line. python -m pip install -e . ``` ## First use of the command line Type in the command 'ocdb-cli -h' and you will see the following help page. ```text (ocdb-client-test) \path\to\the\github\repository\ocdb-client> ocdb-cli -h Usage: ocdb-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... EUMETSAT Ocean Color In-Situ Database Client. Options: --version Show the version and exit. --server OCDB Server URL. -v, --verbose OCDB client verbose reporting -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: conf Configuration management. ds Dataset management. fidraddb FidRadDB management info Get software infos. lic Show license and exit. login Login. logout Log out current user if logged in. sbm Submission management. sbmfile Submission management. user User management. version Get the version of the client. whoami Get current user. ``` In the list of available commands you will find the new 'fidraddb' command. Type in 'ocdb-cli fidraddb -h' ```text (ocdb-client-test) ...\ocdb-client> ocdb-cli fidraddb -h Usage: ocdb-cli fidraddb [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... FidRadDB management Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: delete Will delete the file with the user defined name on the... download Will download the file with the user defined name from... history-search Returns a grep-like but bottom-up search result from... history-tail Get history tail from FidRadDb (default 50... list Lists the files available on the server. upload Upload fidraddb cal/char files. ``` In order to get detailed help to this six FidRadDB commands, type in 'ocdb-cli fidraddb -h' In order to be able to really use this command line tool, the tool must be connected to a server. By typing the command 'ocdb-cli conf' you can find out to which server the tool would currently send all requests. If this is not the server address you expect, you can change the server address by typing the command 'ocdb-cli conf server_url https://...' ```text # e.g. (ocdb-client-test) ...\ocdb-client> ocdb-cli conf server_url https://ocdb-stage.eumetsat.int or in these development test phase (ocdb-client-test) ...\ocdb-client> ocdb-cli conf server_url https://www.brockmann-consult.de/frm4soc ``` And to check whether the new URL has been transferred correctly: ```text (ocdb-client-test) ...\ocdb-client> ocdb-cli conf { "server_url": "https://www.brockmann-consult.de/frm4soc" } ``` ## Uploading cal/char files to the server Uploading can be done via command line tool or the python API. For detailed information how to upload cal/char files please type in 'ocdb-cli fidraddb upload -h' or visit the class OCDBApi in the python file [OCDBApi.py](https://github.com/eocdb/ocdb-client/blob/se_frm4soc_2_4/ocdb/api/OCDBApi.py). ## List the files on the server For detailed information how to upload cal/char files please type in 'ocdb-cli fidraddb list -h' or visit the class OCDBApi in the python file [OCDBApi.py](https://github.com/eocdb/ocdb-client/blob/se_frm4soc_2_4/ocdb/api/OCDBApi.py). ## Search information in the history.log file For detailed information how to upload cal/char files please type in 'ocdb-cli fidraddb history-search -h' or visit the class OCDBApi in the python file [OCDBApi.py](https://github.com/eocdb/ocdb-client/blob/se_frm4soc_2_4/ocdb/api/OCDBApi.py). ## Get the end of the history.log file For detailed information how to upload cal/char files please type in 'ocdb-cli fidraddb history-tail -h' or visit the class OCDBApi in the python file [OCDBApi.py](https://github.com/eocdb/ocdb-client/blob/se_frm4soc_2_4/ocdb/api/OCDBApi.py). ## Download a cal/char file from the server For detailed information how to upload cal/char files please type in 'ocdb-cli fidraddb download -h' or visit the class OCDBApi in the python file [OCDBApi.py](https://github.com/eocdb/ocdb-client/blob/se_frm4soc_2_4/ocdb/api/OCDBApi.py). ## Delete a cal/char file from the server For detailed information how to upload cal/char files please type in 'ocdb-cli fidraddb delete -h' or visit the class OCDBApi in the python file [OCDBApi.py](https://github.com/eocdb/ocdb-client/blob/se_frm4soc_2_4/ocdb/api/OCDBApi.py).