Field name modifiers and suffixes


The table below lists acceptable modifiers to modify field names. They must be appended after the base name (and wavelength, if any) but before any suffix.

Field modifiers





does not change base field’s units

Collection angle. Append ‘_###ang’ to the end of a field name to indicate the collection angle a measurment (such as VSF) was taken at, where ‘###’ is replaced by the float or integer representation of an angle in degrees


does not change base field’s units

Lower confidence interval, where ## is to be replaced with the percent the confidence interval was computed for


does not change base field’s units

Upper confidence interval, where ## is to be replaced with the percent the confidence interval was computed for


does not change base field’s units

Excitation wavelength. Append ‘_ex###’ to the end of a field name to indicate the wavelength of excitation the measurement was taken at, where ‘###’ is replaced by the float or integer represenation of wavelength in nm. May be used in combination with ‘_em###’, as such: ‘<field>_ex###_em###’, where ‘_ex###’ preceeds ‘_em###’


does not change base field’s units

Emission wavelength. Append ‘_em###’ to the end of a field name to indicate the wavelength of emission the measurement was taken at, where ‘###’ is replaced by the float or integer represenation of wavelength in nm. May be used in combination with ‘_ex###’, as such: ‘<field>_ex###_em###’, where ‘_ex###’ preceeds ‘_em###’


does not change base field’s units

Filter size current observed measurements are larger than, where ### is the number of micrometers of the filter size Unless this suffix is used, it is assumed the methodology used a standard filter size. May be used in combination with ‘###prefilt’, as such: ‘<field>_###filt_###prefilt)’


does not change base field’s units

Filter size current observed measurements are smaller than, where ### is the number of micrometers of the filter size. Unless this suffix is used, measurements are assumed to be from unfiltered or whole water. May be used in combination with ‘###prefilt’, as such: ‘<field>_###filt_###prefilt)’


does not change base field’s units

Parts per thousand, where ### indicates the solution’s concentration that a measurement was taken in, as a floating point number or integer


does not change base field’s units

Median bin diameter in microns. Used as a suffix for the field ‘PSD’


does not change base field’s units

First Stokes parameter for characterizing polarization


does not change base field’s units

Second Stokes parameter for characterizing polarization


does not change base field’s units

Third Stokes parameter for characterizing polarization


does not change base field’s units

Fourth Stokes parameter for characterizing polarization


The table below lists acceptable suffixes to modify field names. They must be appended at the end of field name, after any modifiers or wavelength. For any field including a suffix, a corresponding field (without suffix) must exist (e.g. if Rrs442.5_sd is provided, Rrs442.5 must exist).

Field suffixes






Cell abundance for a particular (phytoplankton) taxonomic type



Bio-volume for a particular (phytoplankton) taxonomic type



Carbon concentration for a particular (phytoplankton) taxonomic type



Number of records averaged into a bin or reported measurement specific to the prefix that _bincount is attached to. The field bincount can simply be used if the bincount applies to all forms of data in the file but this field suffix (i.e. ‘<field>_bincount’) can be used multiple times in the same file for field-specific numbers



An analyst-defined quality flag that is relevant to the base field name. A definition of the quality flags should be provided as metadata header comments and within accompanying documentation files.



Coefficient of Variation


same as base field’s units

Standard Deviation


same as base field’s units

Standard Error



added by OCDB staff, it is set to True when measurement pass internal quality checked and will be considered for matchups